jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

blogger awards

Hiiii!! I'm unforgivable, but exams, school, cold and $#"@!? are gonna drive me nuts!!
anyways...I have 95% in my philosophy exam so I'm very very very glad! (yes, I know, I lost all my Christmas hol. being locked in the library but...that's life friends!)
I promise to upload photos from the last months as soon as I can  :)
Meanwhile I have to tell you something, Zay from vistetecomopuedas has nominated me for Stylish Blogger Adward !!
I have to share with you seven things about myself; there we go:

 Im very extrovert, but the truth is that Im totally shy :$
 I have a dreamer soul and my biggest ambition is to become an actress
 Photography and shopping drive me crazy!
 Twitter is absorbing my time...sad but true :P
 Before the beginning of the college I'd love to paint my room
 I love travelling around the world (whith my camera(s) of course)
 In a few years I'll be leaving in New York City :)

Now, I have to nominate 5 blogger which I've recently discovered ^^. That's my choice:

Don't forget to link your blog to the one which has nominated you!

Good night :) 

viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010

sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

School anxiety

Muchos ya estaréis de vacaciones. A mi todavía me quedan unos días y cuatro exámenes :(
Lo bueno de los agobios de estudiar son las pequeñas recompensas, como esos momentos en que tus padres se apiadan de ti y te animan a abandonar la cárcel en que se ha convertido tu habitación y salir a comprar unos zapatos (que falta te hacen, pues vas con medio piececillo al aire por la vida)
Este el fue el resultado de hora y media de desahogo por los pasillos de un centro comercial :)

Otra cosa que viene estupendamente para estos momentos de "creo que voy a salir al encuentro del próximo autobús que pase" es abrir el correo y encontrarte un email anunciándote que eres la ganadora de una falda preciosa de Lady Marshmallow.No os olvidéis de visitar su blog, creedme, tienen unas fotografías y ropa increíbles (a mi personalmente me encantan las de la última sesión, en el agua con las Hunter ^.^)
A ver si con todo este lío de las fiestas no se retrasa mucho (:

un besito

Most of you are on vacation. Sadly mine are some days and four exams away :(
The good part of this anxiety are the little rewards like those moments when your parents tell you to stop and have a rest while buying a new pair of shoes.
This was the result of being one hour and half in a shopping mall :)

Another great thing for this moments of stress is to open your email box and find one telling that you've won a blogger contest and that now, a beatiful skirt by Lady Marshmallow is yours. Don't forget to visit her blog, trust me, they have amazing photos and clothes (personally, I love the last session, the one with the Hunters^.^)
I hope that the skirt doesn't take long

little kisses

this photo belongs to Lady Marshmallow